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Le nuove reclute della Guardia Svizzera durante la cerimonia di giuramento. New recruits of the Vatican's elite Swiss Guard march at the swearing in ceremony for the Vatican's elite Swiss Guard at the Cortile di San Damaso at The Vatican. The swearing in ceremony is held on May 6 every year to commemorate the 147 halberdiers who died defending the pope in 1527.
Le nuove reclute della Guardia Svizzera durante la cerimonia di giuramento. New recruits of the Vatican's elite Swiss Guard march at the swearing in ceremony for the Vatican's elite Swiss Guard at the Cortile di San Damaso at The Vatican. The swearing in ceremony is held on May 6 every year to commemorate the 147 halberdiers who died defending the pope in 1527.
Filename: _AD47818.jpg

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Guardia Svizzera
  • Vatican
  • catholic
  • religion
  • Swiss Guards
  • swearing in ceremony
  • giuramento
  • guardie svizzere
  • Vaticano