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Il Presidente Francese Francois Hollande durante la conferenza stampa al termine del vertice tra Italia, Spagna, Francia e Germania a Villa Madama..French Prime Minister Francois Hollande attends a media conference at the end of a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, and Spanish Premier Mariano Rajoy at Villa Madama in Rome.
Il Presidente Francese Francois Hollande durante la conferenza stampa al termine del vertice tra Italia, Spagna, Francia e Germania a Villa Madama..French Prime Minister Francois Hollande attends a media conference at the end of a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, and Spanish Premier Mariano Rajoy at Villa Madama in Rome.
Filename: _AC70431.jpg

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Euro Summit
  • Francois Holland
  • vertice
  • summit
  • Villa Madama
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  • portrait